FF Trujillo Peru & Dallas Members
We welcome visitors to our meetings and events and are glad to have new members.
Why join Friendship Force (FF)?
More than ever before, our world needs a world of friends, a world of peace.
FF International’s purpose is to be a multi-cultural group that promotes peace, understanding, and friendship in the world by building global goodwill through personal friendships and Journeys.
One way we can make a difference is to participate in a Friendship Force club and take Journeys to other clubs and locations. While on a Journey, we experience another culture and make friends in those destinations. When hosting visitors in our club and in our homes, we let others experience our culture and make new friends.
Learn more why we journey by watching this FFI Video “It Was Just A Week”.
Benefits of Membership
As a member of FF Dallas, you can …
- Help at the local level by attending our meetings and events and by participating in an inbound journey. Get involved, learn about our members, help where you can … IT’S FUN.
- Host international or U.S. ambassadors in your home. You share your lifestyle and activities as well as attend the journey’s events & activities. Host families may have some event fees waived.
- Day-host an ambassador (take them to the day’s events) or host a small group dinner.
- Participate as an FF citizen ambassador on a Journey to an FF club in another country or the U.S. You join in their day-to-day activities and events. Ambassadors pay their own travel expenses plus a fee to the hosting club (for activities and events) and a fee to FF International (for their operating costs).
- Participate as an FF citizen ambassador on a Special Journey for a specific interest, humanitarian project, cultural experience, or help form or expand clubs. Ambassadors pay costs and fees similar to regular journeys. These journeys are planned by FFI and led by an experienced Journey Coordinator from an FF club.
- Attend FF regional and world conferences combining cultural, conference, and home hosting experience. Meet people from all over the world, spending several nights at the conference hotel, optionally followed by a short home stay in the home of FF members nearby.
By participating in FF Dallas and FFI, you get to meet and learn about members in our club and other clubs as you explore and understand more about our area and other parts of the world. And by making friends here and abroad, you help to achieve one of our objectives – A World of Friends is a World of Peace.
Become a Member
If Friendship Force’s mission appeals to you – Join Us As We Make New Friends, Experience Different Views, And Discover Common Ground!
Membership fees are only $40 per year (Jan – Dec). If you are already a member of another FF Club, you can become a FF Dallas Secondary Member.
- To become a new member, download and/or print a Membership Form, complete it, and return it with your membership dues.
New Membership Form
- To renew your membership, Renewing members – download and/or print a Membership Renewal Form, complete it, and return it with your membership dues by December 15th.
Membership Renewal Form
Once you become a member, you will …
- have access to my.FriendshipForce.org – FFI’s member-only website.
- receive emails with FFD & FFI news , journey announcements, online events information, and more.
- have met one of the requirements for being accepted on a Journey and becoming a Citizen Ambassador.
FF Dallas Volunteer Shuttle
Another benefit available to FF Dallas members is access to a FF Dallas membes volunteer who can give you a ride to or from area airports (for journeys or personal travel). You can also use this service to destinations other than airports. After your ride, you make a donation to FF Dallas (itemizable deduction as we are a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization).
To get more information about the shuttle service, look on the last page of the current FF Dallas Yearbook, send us a message via our Contact page or email us at friendshipForceDallas+info@gmail.com
For more information
- See Events page for information about upcoming meetings and events.
- See Journeys page for information about upcoming Journeys.
- See the FAQs page for some Frequently Asked Questions about FF International and FF Dallas.
- See Newsletters to read our newsletters.
- See Friendship Force International page or visit their website https://www.friendshipForce.org to learn more about FF International (our parent organization) and our FF Southwest USA Region.