Board of Directors

Friendship Force Dallas is a multi-cultural group that promotes peace and friendship in the world by building global good will through personal friendships and exchanges.

Our mission is building world understanding through personal friendships.
Our vision is to be an outstanding model as a diverse and actively involved Friendship Club representing Dallas, Texas to the world.

Club Officers for 2024

Randy Tezlaff

Patty Niemeyer
Vice President

Edward Perez
Vice President- Membership

Barbara Taylor

Leslie Parker

Committee Chairs for 2024

Communications: Mary Williams
– Meeting flyers: Mary Williams
– Website: Beverly Webber, Edward Perez

Telephone: Patti Pierce

Newsletter: Barb Taylor

Yearbook: edward perez

Sunshine: Cathy Ignatin

Programs: Paula Rose

Journey Organizer: Lou Ann King (International and Domestic)

Journey Treasurer: Leslie Parker

Finance Committee: Leslie Parker

Shuttle List Manager: Aurora Madrigal

Past President: Sandy Kaiser

You can find our forms (membership, journeys, treasury), bylaws, and policies on our Forms, Bylaws, & Policies page.


For more information or questions about our club and organization, you can email us at

Or send us a message on our Contact Us page.